“Peacock’s Rutherford Falls—which Schur developed alongside star Ed Helms and Sierra Teller Ornelas, now the first Native American to be the showrunner on a television comedy—takes place in, well, Rutherford Falls, a spot in the Northeast where settler Lawrence Rutherford ‘brokered a uniquely fair and honest deal’ with the fictional Minishonka tribe that was already there.” Read more at Thrillist. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier‘s deification of Steve Rogers is one of the most notable flaws of the show. Read more at The Mary Sue. Stowaway on Netflix is a never-before-seen sci-fi movie set in space. Is it worth your time? “Whenever a director decides to set a film in space they know that they’re going toe-to-toe with all of the other cinematic greats that have dabbled in the genre. Ridley Scott’s Alien, Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris, Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey — the list is as long as it is daunting. So it’s to co-writer and director Joe Penna’s eternal credit that while Stowaway is never anything more than solid and slightly riveting, it feels like a different kind of space movie.” Read more at Inverse. NASA’s Perseverance Rover has begun converting small amounts of carbon dioxide on Mars to oxygen. Read more at PCMag. TopTop Media, an Israeli tech company, is accused of using a botnet disguised as millions of people watching TV to cheat advertisers out of money. “Fraudsters operate off the assumption that it’s way more profitable to think up byzantine ways to cheat people out of money than it is to just, like, work hard and ask for a promotion occasionally. For instance: an Israeli tech company is currently accused of using a very convoluted method to screw advertisers out of buttloads of cash by pretending to be a bunch of people watching TV.” Read more at Gizmodo. Can you recycle pizza box? The answer is a bit more complicated than you think. Here’s a quick break down… Read more at Mental Floss.